– I really enjoy drawing Korra’s parents.
– If you like this comic please consider becoming a patron on Patreon. I really enjoy making these Korrasami comics, but the sad fact is that I just can’t afford to take the time to do it very often. Your support through Patreon means I can spend more time making comics, and thats good for everyone! Even $1/month really helps! You can check out my Patreon page here. If you decide to pledge, send me a note saying that you want MORE Korrasami comics!
– Also, the first issue of Asami Loves Korra is back in print! This large format full color booklet contains the first 16 pages of this comic, plus a bunch of art. I plan to do a 2nd issue later this year. The comic is available from my store AT COST plus shipping (which means I don’t make any money off it. It’s just for fun).
I’m crying! 🙂 This is so good
Omh I really loved this!!! Truly! You’re amazing!
What’s she upset about?
Madam, I’ll have you know that it’s because of that stupid book that you even have a daughter!
I like that until she figured out Korra had the book, she was all proud. xD
she probably thought it was raw talent that she presumably thought she passed down to her….learning that she was only making Asami moan like that because of a book….well…
such a good father
I guess she’s heard that moan a lot~
Soonish. I’m trying to finish up some work on my other two comics. I’m hoping to have a new Korra story around teh end of this month.
Is it snoonish yet?
I wish. Sorry. I can’t seem to get ahead of my other work. More is coming though. I promise.
Part of the problem is money. One of the reasons I can’t devote as much time to this comic is because I need to focus on art that pays the bills. unfortunately this comic ends up last in line just because I often need to go out and look for freelance work and commissions to make rent instead of working on this. My hope is that as my Pareon income increases I’ll be able to spend less time on paying work and more time on this.
Any chance we actually get to see what they’re doing?
Probably not. There’s plenty of great artists doing Korra/Asami smut/erotic art/porn/whatever. Better than I could probably. At the moment I’m more interested in doing humorous strips.
I understand. I love it though. I write my own Korrasami fanfics all the time. I recently finished one where they get married.
Please feel free to share links (and that goes for anyone!)
Okay then. Here’s one of Korra and Asami going on their first date at Kwong’s Cuisine.
I’ll check it out! Thanks!
So how was it? What did you like about it?
Been to busy to read it yet, but it’s open on my browser. I’ll reply here when I get a chance to read it (hopefully soon).
For some reason I thought it was a longer story so I was putting off reading it until I had more time. But I liked it a lot! It was nice to see the characters on a normal date doing normal things. Great job. Thanks for sharing!
So is there anything else you liked about my story? Like the flirting or Korras self doubt or maybe the hug at the end?
Sorry, I’m not used to giving feedback on stories. I did like it a lot. As I said, I like seeing them as normal people. I actually liked Korra’s worry about how the people of Republic City will react a lot. It’s an ongoing concern for her in the series that is never really resolved. I also really love that Asami went out of her way to arrange a “surprise date”.
That fanfic is adorable. Thank you for linking it (below, because it wouldn’t let me reply to that post). I feel that it captures Korra’s uncertainty well.
Thank you. I felt she would have uncertainty after everything that’s happened involving her road to recovery.
This comic is awesome. I love it so much!
can i ask when is next asami loves korra ?
Hopefully soon. I have a longer story planned, but I want to do a shorter 1-3 page store to lead up to it. But I’m having trouble writing it. Hopefully I’ll be able to figure it out and have new pages up by the end of the month. I do have several more stories planned.
I do love the look of worry on the fathers face in the last panel
please i can’t wait anymore 😀
Sorry. I’ve been super busy. I am working on new stuff though. I have a LOT of Korra ideas, but time is money and I have to prioritize work that pays. I do promise that more is coming though!
Jake this is amazing. Ever since I saw the end of the legend of Korra I wanted to see more of the story happening afterwards especially regarding Korra and Asami’s relationship. This may not be canon (unless the writers decide to make it canon in the future) but it is definitely worthy of being canon. I’ve read all of this fan fiction tonight (in fact its 3:30am right now) and I love it. You’re great your fan fiction is great and I seriously hope you get to continue this story for a long time.
Thanks so much! Thats really nice of you to say. I do have a bunch more Korrasami stories that I want to do, but I’ve been too busy to work on them lately. I have one in rough draft form sitting in my sketch book, waiting for a second draft. Hopefully I’ll find the time soon.
Hey jake I just read your comment in the previous page “power couple complete” that said “You should! I love the show, and although it’s far from perfect I think it’s really worthwhile” now I feel very inclined to disagree with the far from perfect bit, so I would like to know what drove you to say that so I can see if there’s something you saw wrong that I didn’t.
Well, whats actually perfect (or close to it), right? Thats probably an impossible standard. I guess when I said “far from perfect” what I meant was that the show is great but it has some flaws. One major flaw that really hampers the first and 4th season is that the show just isn’t long enough. The pacing of the first season is fantastic, right up until the last episode where everything is rushed to a climax. The fallout of the Avatar losing her powers, Korra’s recovery and the growth of Korra and Mako’s relationship (fueled by the events of that episode to prematurely move to “I love you”) just all happen too fast. They really need a few more episodes to unfold, and instead they’re all resolved in the space of 25 minutes. This is why I think so many people really don’t like the first season, despite the fact that its so well paced and so well put together. Korra needed time to accept that her role as the Avatar had changed, and perhaps even ended. She needed time to cope with that and to find her new place in the world. I absolutely believe that the original plan for the series was for season 1 to end with Korra having lost her bending, and for season 2 to be about how she made her way as the Avatar with just her Airbending, eventually to regain it during Harmonic Convergence (and now I kind of want to do my own season 2). I also think the show never gave us time to see the single most important thing that happened as a result of the first season, that the Equalist movement was actually successful and resulted in Republic City moving from a government of Benders to a non-Bender president. That was huge, and set up a theme that lasted for the rest of series: that the villains (at their core) were always right. Amon was right that the non-benders of Republic City were being repressed and need equality. Unfortunately the show never has time to dwell on that.
Season 4 has a different problem that also stems from not having enough episodes. By the time we get to season 4 theres just too much to cover in a limited amount of time. We have Kuvira and her Earth Kingdom, Korra’s recovery, the Beifong family, Bolin and Varrick’s adventures, the Airbender’s search for Korra, the giant multi-episode battle of Republic City… it’s all fun and important stuff, but there’s so much more that we want to see. Major characters like Mako, Naga and Tenzin nearly vanish from the series (I don’t care much about Mako. I think he was played out by this point, but Tenzin is a super important character to the show and, Naga deserved more time with Korra). So many other supporting cast characters who were developed with care over the series are reduced to non-speaking roles. Most importantly, we barely have any time for Korra and Asami. Going into this season, the ONLY thing anyone was staking about was whether Korra and Asami would actually become a couple (or how there was no way they’d ever become a couple) and it was clear from the very first episode that the creators were aware of that and were teasing us with it. It was fine that it took until the very last moment of the very last episode for us to see them confirmed as a couple, but it’s so unfortunate that we couldn’t have more episodes of them together as friends before that. As with season 1, season 4 could have benefited with several more episodes.
Beyond all that, I think the show has some other flaws. I think it falls back to goofball humor a little two often. I know that’s a legacy of TLA and I think that humor works really well in smaller doses, but there were times when I felt it was just TOO MUCH and too much of a focus of an episode. I think the series’ more subtle and character based humor always worked better (although there was a place for both). I though Kai was a pretty awful character and mostly a waste of time. I guess the idea was to give Jinora a boy friend, but he ended up stealing the spotlight from her several times when she should have been the growing star of the show, and he ate up a lot of screen time that could have been going to more interesting character.
I’m sure there’s other stuff, but those are my major complaints about the series off the top of my head.
Get back to work ya bum!
I really am hoping to have some new pages up soon. But soon might not be till late next month. I’ve got a lot on my plate right now.
I’ve read and re-read this so many times, and I love it every time. I don’t mind at all if it’s been a while: I know you’re busy, it still rocks, and besides it means that the people I show it to can get caught up quicker 😉
Thanks! I know I keep saying this, but I legitimately have more of this I’m working on.
Waiting for deliver D:
I hear you! I have 4 pages scripted and two penciled. Slowly coming to life.
Question: Soon?
Predicted answer: Soon.
Soon. I swear.
I think we have different definitions of “soon”, in july you said soon wouldn’t be til august… and it’s nearly november
Thats true. Work and illness have gotten in the way. I don’t make any money off these strips, so I can only afford to work on them in my spare time. And my spare time has been sparse this year. I work about 70+ hours a week to make ends meet, so having any spare time at all is a real luxury. I’ve also been sick a LOT this year, and thats cut into my spare time a lot too. So I’m doing the best I can. I appreciate you want more. When I say “soon” I mean “as soon as I can manage without killing myself”.
That’s alright, just finish the comic then kill yourself, everyone wins, we get the comic, you don’t have to go to work
jk, don’t actually kill yourself
Ha. Seriously though, I am working on it. I’ve been taking it to conventions to work on. Ironically, sitting behind a con table selling books is when I have the most free time. I’ve got about three pages drawn of a 5 page story.
Love the comic! My friend gave me a physical copy that she bought at kumoricon for my birthday and it’s amazing!! Can’t wait to see more!
Glad you liked it. More is coming!
anytime… soon… by which I mean, within this year?
I’m inking page 4 of new 4 page story right now. I’m hoping to find time to color and letter it in the next week.
Funny but a little gross cuz no one should hear their kid doing it
HIDE! Giant macho-man Tonraq!
Hide from the tiny petite woman who barely weighs more than one of your burly legs! Maybe if you pull the blankets over your head, she won’t be able to find you!