– The idea for this one came from some reading I did last year when I was working on the Workout story (the one about Korra’s abs). The Airbending we see in Legend of Korra is apparently inspired by a few real world martial arts, including Shen Wu. I spent an afternoon reading all about Shen Wu trying to find inspiration for a strip, but instead what I discovered is that it’s all pretty boring (to read about. I guess it’s more fun to practice). It was easy for me to imagine Tenzin boring Korra with lectures about maintaining proper balance and posture. While reading an article by Tim Cartmell a series of phrases struck me as kind of hilariously unintentionally suggestive in kind of the very vague way that stuff does when you’re super bored and zoning out. I could easily see Korra drifting off and thinking about her girlfriend while Tenzin droned on and on, and that became the basis for this story. Tenzin’s speech is mostly from one of Cartmell’s articles.
I said before that I think probably everyone in her life is a little in love with Korra. Her magnatism and charisma are powerful (much like her father, and of course previous Avatars). I think Korra is kind of oblivious to the effect she has on people. On the other hand, Asami knows that she is a very beautiful person. From her very first appearance Asami is always perfectly poised, always sharply dressed, make up and hair always on point. It would have been easy to write Asami as the arrogant rich girl that we love to hate, but thankfully the series writers took a different, more complex approach. But I have no doubt that Asami knows exactly how attractive she is, and what effect she has on Korra. More than once in the series we see Korra blush and stammer when Asami turns her full attention toward her. I like to think Asami enjoys both pushing Korra out of her comfort zone and teasing her into embarrassment. And of course Korra is always up for a challenge!
Tenzin is one of my favorite characters from the series and I always wish I had more ideas for stories based around him. I can’t imagine that Tenzin and Korra don’t continue to have a strong relationship, even as Korra grows older and becomes his peer instead of his student. I like to think that Korra spends most of her time living with Asami, but still keeps her room at Air Temple Island. Tenzin’s family is very much her second family, after all! It’s easy to imagine Korra and Naga bursting in early in the morning for breakfast, goofing around with the younger kids then joining Tenzin for some serious morning Airbending exercises or suffering through a boring lecture. I think eventually Korra and Asami will have a family of their own, but until then this is Korra’s home away from home.
– If you like my Korrasami comics you may also like my superhero comic Ghost Kiss!
– This is my first new Korrasami story in 10 months, and honestly I don’t think more than a few days has gone by in all that time without one of you asking when the next story was coming. I hadn’t intended to take so long between stories, but the sad truth is that I just can’t afford to spend a lot of time working on this series. right now I have about 6 more Korrasami stories planned, and I’m sure I’ll come up with more, but finding any time to work on them has become difficult. It’s all about money unfortunately. If you’d like to see more Korra comics more regularly please consider becoming a patron through my Patreon. Your contributions through patreon help pay my bills, keep me fed and allow me to focus on making comics. So if you wnat to see more Korrasami comics from me, please become a patron! You can check out my Patreon here!
Everyone be humping like rabbits!
Indeed, hornier that a rose bush.
There’s a typo in Tenzin’s first word balloon, the word f”fight”.
Thanks. I’l fix it when I have a chance.
Kinda find it funny that after all these years you still haven’t had a chance to fix the typo. I thought he was seeing the workout and was having a bit of difficulty maintaining his own poise, but the rest of the comic didn’t bear that out.
I really should fix it.
Good to see the girls again! And in fine form.
Your art style is, as always, on point.
The story is hilarious.
And I completely understand meelo’s feelings.
Yoga ftw
Don’t you mean “Spirit Rabbits” ?
Don’t you mean humping like “Spirit Rabbits” ?
You know… most of the animals in the Avatar world are combinations of normal ones (to the point where when the Earth king has a pet bear, just a plain, ordinary bear… it confuses the whole cast).
Probably be a Rabbadger or a Weasebunny, or Flying Squirrabbit!
Oh god… those last ones sound like they’d be horrible during mating season! You couldn’t go out in the woods without an umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat!
“Ack! Pft-pft! Idth in my bouth! my bouth!!!!”
(I’m aware my sense of humor is awful and I’ve made my peace with it. ^_^ )
I was waiting so long now im crying from all that happiness .
I’ll be posting a follow up page soon, I hope.
If I never hear the word “soon” again, it’ll be too soon
Been checking back weekly or so to see about updates, glad to see you back. On a side note a short on breakfast the morning after the last page would have been cute. Mom giving Dad the silent treatment over passing on the book and the girls red faced over all the noise the night before.
However its all good glad its back.
That would have been cute.
I wuv u 😀
I can definitely agree with what you say about how people think of korra, she had amazing character development over the course of the series, honestly I can’t decide which series I like more, LOK has much better and more mature plot throughout, while ATLA had for the most part better characters, now that’s not to say that ATLA didn’t have a great plot that even adults can enjoy, and it’s not to say that LOK doesn’t have great characters, they are both amazing shows overall, perhaps some of the best animated series ever.
One thing that is very clear to me though, I very much prefer Korra as a character to Aang, he always came off as really whiny, he was unwilling to go to extremes even if it means saving the world and ultimately his winning the war was a deus ex machina if there ever was one, he met a giant turtle that gave him the one ability that would make it so he doesn’t have to kill someone, what a fucking coincidence, and he just happened to hit a rock in the perfect place to reactivate the avatar state, I know that some of the korra stuff was a bit deus ex machina, and I fully accept that, but I hate it when people pretend as if that wasn’t a deus ex in the ATLA finale.
But even that being said, I fucking love the finale of ATLA, it was emotional, powerful, amazing action sequences, it was perfect, I wouldn’t change a thing about it.
I like the original series a lot, but I think the filler episodes aimed at the younger audience are mostly pretty poor and really take away from the quality of the series. I also find the overall plot, the group of friends wandering around the world from adventure to adventure, getting into mischief and getting saved by luck and coincidence, to be pretty tired. When the series is on point it’s great, with great character development, plotting and dialogue. But it spends way too much of it’s time trying to cater to a young audience with overly goofy episodes. I don’t blame the creators for that. Thats almost certainly what Nickelodeon wanted. And certainly there was a younger audience that really did seem to enjoy that. But, for me at least, Korra’s stronger, more focused plotting, sharper character development and tighter season arc’s made a more enjoyable show.
we all remember “The Great Divide”
Do you mean the world’s biggest canyon ?
I mean the world’s most hated avatar episode
Okay i understand now .
I freakin love this comic
Me too but when will next pages arrive ?
It may be awhile. I have NOT ended the series, but I’m very much overwhelmed with my other work, and since money is very tight the time I would normally spend on this project is going toward freelance work instead. I have several more stories planned and I hope to get to them as soon as I can, but I’m not sure when that will be. I appreciate your interest though!
Then i will wait even to end of the world but with hope that you are going to continue this masterpiece .
Good luck Mr. Richmond ;D
Maybe this time it will not be a Airbending child?
I always forget about that kid.
Thanks. It’s been awhile, but there will be more. I swear.
So is this comic dead?
No, although it has been a long time since the last update. Right now I can’t afford to spend any time on the comic. I’m hoping that will change soon since I have several more stories I want to do. My current Patreon milestone goal is for a new comic about once a month. I’m hoping to meet that goal soon, since being able to afford to take time to make these comics (which are pretty labor intensive and time consuming) is whats holding me back.
God thanks im only 15 so i have a lot of time to wait for continuation ;D
I promise you won’t grow old waiting.
…NEARLY 11 MONTHS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m drawing the new story now. It’s called Fangirls and is about Jinora’s “Avatar Korra and Ms. Sato appreciation society”. Hopefully it’ll be done and up before the end of the month.
This month ???
This month. I’m drawing it now. I swear.
Err… maybe not this month. But within the week for sure.
I must say you have really nailed Tenzin’s expressions in this piece, especially in the last panel – thoughtful/lightbulb moment Tenzin, sweet and hilarious.